From the American Federation of Musicians of the United States and Canada

Paul Fejko

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68 ranks of pure fire pours forth from this thrilling Haupt/Seifert organ found at Sacré Cœur, Luxembourg-Gare as Wild Improvisor Paul Fejko conjures up impressions of fireworks, from large ariel bombs to smoldering embers. The Cover Painting is a stunning work by Belgian artist Françoise André.

    Track name Time Buy MP3 Buy FLAC
1. Listen Arial Bursts 10:32
2. Listen Comet Tails 8:55
3. Listen A Moment of Calm 10:39
4. Listen Flaming Spiral 8:20
5. Listen Smoldering Embers 12:45
6. Listen Final Flourish 10:06
Album cover for FireWorks

Album Details

Genres: Classical, Alternative, Instrumental

Released July 2000